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Ever since he realized he could get away with not doing his homework if he had a compelling story for it, Luv knew he was destined for a career in storytelling.

But is anything ever so simple? He dropped out of college and wandered around trying his hand at odd gigs. After a few years of roving from midnight shifts at call centres to reluctantly partaking in the family business, the said destiny kicked in and he landed up a job in advertising. In his short but fortunate advertising career, his work won considerable international accolades at Cannes, Adfest, ECHO NY and such.

Soon after Luv was scooped up by MTV, where his initial filmmaking hijinks garnered millions of views and plaudits from all over. He was hooked.

Since then Luv has directed over 100 films across genres. Be it commercials, documentaries, animation or narrative films, a singular approach drives him – how can we tell this story better?

Loves: early morning call times, doppio, craft keema pau, getting lost on a highway or in a book.

Hates: Writing about himself in third person.